Newsletter November 2023

Not able to work in studio at the moment due to foot operation!


It is going to be December tomorrow, eek, somewhat scary how life is whizzing by, even when I have been laid up due to a foot reconstruction operation on 10th October.   Six weeks no weight bearing, that has been quite tough, but the good news is that I can now do partial weight bearing with my storm trooper boot on and everything is progressing nicely, I hope to be able to go for a swim in a couple of weeks.

So, art wise, obviously I have not been able to get into the studio for a while, although I have been managing to do some collage and sketchbook stuff, including an online concertina sketchbook course by Karen Stamper – she is amazing, and her online courses are the best I have come across for visual simplicity and fun.
In September with Erica Shipley and three, 3D artists  (sculpture, ceramics and glass) we had a wonderful week long exhibition in “The Old Fire Station Gallery” in Henley-on-Thames, – I have hopefully added a link to my homemade video (click here) of the exhibition for anyone who would like to see it.  And then just before my operation I managed to squeeze in a week down in Cornwall (Porthleven) doing a “Freedom in Painting” course with Ashley Hanson (always a brilliant tutor) and so fantastic to be down in Cornwall.
Something else that my be of interest is that I did an interview about myself and my art for Instagram / You Tube channel called ArtByArtist anyway link to video (click here) attached, slightly weird as I was sent the questions by email, so I have to ask and answer the questions, also, sorry about the ads at the beginning I have no idea how to delete them, way beyond my level of video skills at the moment.
Other news is that I have two large paintings going in to the AKA Gallery in Cambridge next week for their winter exhibition (images below) and I had a picture in the Ing Discerning Eye exhibition in the Mall Galleries in London, so all in all even with the foot, pretty good.

Anyway, wishing you all a wonderful Xmas and hope that 2024     is a fantastic year for you  ~ Antonia

My two pictures going into the AKA Gallery in Cambridge for their winter show.

Antonia Glynne Jones - Website
Instagram, Antonia Glynne Jones
Facebook, Antonia Glynne Jones - Painter Page
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